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Office of Policy and Budgetary Affairs

The Office of Policy and Budgetary Affairs (OPBA) provides budget, management and policy support to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC).

The OPBA was established by the BCC to analyze, research and develop legislation, review the Mayor’s proposed budget and support the BCC during consideration and approval of the County’s $9 billion budget. We also ensure that the BCC has all of the information they need as they make decisions affecting the County, and our, bottom line. OPBA is the BCC’s “financial advisor.”

OPBA holds agenda briefings for Commission staff prior to each of the Board meetings. Throughout the fiscal year, we work with all Commissioners providing briefings on the development and consideration of the annual budget. On this webpage, you can find the reports and other information we have prepared based on the requests of Commissioners and relevant policy information. If you would like more information about a particular subject, please let us know.

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Accommodations for persons with disabilities

People who require assistance because of their disabilities in order to participate in the programs, activities or services of the Board of County Commissioners, Office of Policy and Budgetary Affairs, may contact Florencia Sosa at 305-375-2809 or florencia.sosa@miamidade.gov. To request materials in accessible format, sign language interpreters, or other means of equally effective communication to participate in any program or meeting, please contact her five days in advance to initiate your request. TTY users may also call 711 (Florida Relay Service.)