A. Objective:
A structural peer review is intended to provide a third-party engineering verification of the structural design of the building proposed for construction. The engineer performing the peer review shall verify conformance with the Florida Building Code (FBC), and applicable reference codes as listed within the Florida Building Code and with well-established principles of mechanics and engineering practice.
As authorized by the Florida Building Code Section 107.1, buildings or structures meeting the parameters herein will require an independent peer review analysis following these procedures.
B. Definitions and acronyms:
Building: Any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy.
EOR: Engineer of Record
FBC: Florida Building Code
RER: Regulatory and Economic Resources Department of Miami-Dade (aka “Building Department”)
MWFRS: Main wind force resisting system
C. Building requiring a peer review:
- Buildings or structures 10 stories or higher or 100 feet, whichever is less, will require a peer review.
- Buildings classified as Risk Category IV as defined by ASCE7 and are not low-rise buildings as defined by ASCE7.
- Buildings with 500,000 square feet or more in gross area on any story.
- Buildings taller than 3 stories where the MWFRS is comprise of light gage steel and/or wood framing.
- Unusual or complex buildings or structures for which the Building Official request peer review.
D. Unusual or complex buildings and structures defined:
- Threshold buildings or structures with unusual geometry or irregularity in spatial form.
- Building with notable irregularities in the distribution of mass, stiffness, and geometry along the height of the building.
- Threshold buildings with noticeable asymmetry and/or discontinuity in the MWFRS that creates considerable diaphragm rotation, where the distance from the center of rigidity to the centroid of the lateral loads exceeds 15 percent the building width measured perpendicular to the direction of the applied wind, and the fundamental natural frequency is less than 1 Hz.
- Threshold buildings that have response characteristics making it subject to across-wind loading, vortex shedding, or instability caused by galloping or flutter; or it have a site location for which channeling effects or buffeting in the wake of upwind obstructions warrant special consideration.
- Threshold Buildings designed with lack of redundancy and with transfer beams and transfer slabs carrying more than 3 levels.
- Threshold buildings with non-conventional or new structural system or using new materials with mechanical properties not tabulated in the codes and their standards.
E. Peer Reviewer Selection:
The structural peer review shall be performed by a qualified independent structural engineer who has been retained by, or on behalf of, the owner of the property. This peer reviewer engineer shall meet specific qualification requirements, including demonstrable experience in the structural design and/or peer review of structures similar in scope and complexity.
The structural peer reviewer shall provide in writing to the Building Official credentials that demonstrate specialization in the structural discipline, and experience in the design and/or review of a similar structure in size and complexity as follows:
- Name, address, and phone number of the peer reviewer.
- Resume or curriculum vitae of the peer reviewer.
- A list of at least two projects of similar size and complexity to the current project where the peer reviewer has served as professional of record, structural peer reviewer, or project manager.
- Include project name and address, and brief description of the projects.
F. Minimimum Qualifications of the structural peer reviewer:
- Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Florida, proficient in structural design with a minimum of 5 years of experience.
- Demonstrate experience in structural design and/or peer review of structures of similar complexity and size.
G. Design Documents:
The peer reviewer shall be provided with a complete final signed and sealed set of structural drawings, calculations, specifications, reports, and test results. The points listed below shall be followed as minimum review criteria. If the design assumptions are not explicitly indicated on the drawings or in the computations, the structural engineer of record shall provide a letter describing these assumptions.
The peer reviewer shall also be provided with a complete signed and sealed set of final architectural and MEP drawings to be used for coordination among disciplines of subjects affecting structural
H. Peer review minimum review criteria:
- Verify that design loads meet or exceed the minimum loads specified in FBC and ASCE7.
- Verify that all other design criteria and design assumptions satisfy the FBC, structural codes and are in accordance with generally accepted engineering practice and principles.
- Verify that the computer model was constructed with the same design criteria as the one indicated on the drawings, that is, design loads, load combinations, material type, material strength, type of joint connections and geometric of the building.
- Verify that the design assumptions and detailing shown on the drawings correspond with the calculations and program output submitted, examples, clear definition of members forming the
MWFRS, moment connections in the program detailed as moment connections in the drawings.
- Verify that the submitted calculations do not show any structural component overstressed or with excessive deflection.
- Verify that the building and its structural components are stable and adequate at the different construction stages by performing a sequential construction analysis that matches how the building will be built.
- Verify that the design of the foundations is in accordance with the recommendations in the geotechnical report.
- Verify that the structure has a complete load path for gravity, lateral, and uplift loads.
- Verify that the structural integrity provisions of the applicable codes are being implemented.
- Verify that the structural plans are coordinated with architectural plans regarding structural components quantity, their location and special loading.
- Verify support and attachment for all major mechanical equipment.
- Verify that the required information to be used by the delegated engineer in his/her design is specified on the drawings.
- Verify that the precast concrete elements to be designed by the delegated engineer are clearly defined and coordinated with the primary building structural systems.
- Perform independent calculations for a representative fraction of the systems, members, connections and details to check their adequacy. The number of representative systems, members and details verified shall be sufficient to form a basis for the reviewer’s conclusions.
- For demolition work: verify scope of work, demolition sequence, demolition type (explosion, implosion, mechanical, by using hand tools), shoring, capacity of structure to support equipment to perform the work, capacity of structure to support building components accumulated, capacity of structure to support itself as being dismantled, disconnection of utilities, removal of hazardous materials, crane selection and crane plans, safety related with demolition, safety of adjacent structures, impact in the neighborhood for noise, dust, vibration, traffic, etc.
I. Duties of the structural peer reviewer:
- The peer reviewer shall review the plans, specifications, calculations, and geotechnical report submitted with the original permit application, and all subsequent revisions thereto. Said review
Page 4 of 6 08/24R1.2 shall be for compliance with the structural design provisions of the Florida Building Code and all referenced structural codes and technical standards. Review shall include all structural systems, components and elements that form the building, from earthwork to foundation to superstructure.
- Conduct the peer review exercising a level of skill, care, and professionalism expected from a professional engineer registered in the State of Florida.
- Submit written comments to the engineer of record as a result of his/her review.
- Conduct review of the revised documents responding to comments.
- Upon satisfaction of all comments, the peer reviewer shall be provided with a copy of the latest revised set of plans and the peer reviewer shall sign, date, and stamp each structural sheet with
the language “PEER REVIEWED in accordance with Miami-Dade County requirements for Structural Peer Review, and verified for Code Compliance”.
- If digitally signed documents cannot be electronically stamped by the peer reviewer, the peer reviewer may provide a letter listing all documents that have been reviewed, including the name
and date of each drawing, and the date and number of pages for the calculations.
J. Documents to be submitted by the peer reviewer:
- Peer Reviewer shall submit a signed and sealed report to RER stating that the structural design shown on the plans, calculations and specifications generally conforms to the structural requirements of the Florida Building Code, applicable structural standard codes, and with wellestablished principles of mechanics and engineer practices.
- The report shall include:
- A Peer Reviewer Statement Letter. See addendum A. The provided peer review statement language must be used, altered language will not be accepted.
- Signature, seal, date, and license number of the structural peer reviewer.
- Provide a narrative for each of the 15 items listed in “H” above for the “Peer reviewer minimum review criteria” and shall demonstrate positive results in each. Follow the
format provided in the sample “Peer Review Report” template available separately.
- FBC edition and standards codes used in the structural design.
- The structural design criteria, including loads and performance requirements.
- The basis for design criteria that are not specified directly in applicable codes and standards. This should include reports by specialty consultants such as wind tunnel study reports and geotechnical reports. Generally, the report should confirm that existing conditions at the site have been investigated as appropriate and that the design of the proposed structure is in general conformance with these conditions.
- List of approved structural sheets with number/date of latest approved revisions, and
number of pages for the calculations
- Provide a letter attesting general completeness and conformance of the structural design documents.
K. Engineer of Record (EOR):
- The EOR shall provide a complete signed and sealed set of structural drawings, specifications, calculations, reports, and test results to the structural peer reviewer.
- The EOR must revise the structural permit drawings and calculations or provide additional information to address each comment made by the peer reviewer. The EOR must provide a letter detailing the response to each comment.
- After all peer reviewer’ comments have been addressed, the EOR must provide a clean copy of the latest revised permit documents to the peer reviewer.
- The structural engineer of record shall retain sole responsibility for the structural design. The reviews and reports of the peer reviewer shall not relieve the structural engineer of record of
this responsibility.
L. Submittal for Permitting:
- The documents reviewed by the peer reviewer are the ones that shall be submitted for permit, they all shall be marked “PEER REVIEWED…” as indicated in “Duties of the structural peer reviewer” section above.
- Submittal for permitting to RER shall include comments from peer reviewer and responses by the EOR.
- Final report from the peer reviewer shall be included in the submittal.
- If digitally signed documents cannot be stamped, the peer reviewer shall provide a letter listing all documents that have been reviewed, including the name and date of each drawing and the
date and number of pages for the calculations.
M. Phased construction submission:
Three construction phases are recognized by our department:
- Soil improvement
- Foundation (up to grade slab)
- Superstructure (vertical construction above grade slab)
Application submitted in phases shall have a structural peer review and report phase as well, that is, a review and report for each phase. The peer reviewer shall be provided with sufficient information upon which to perform a structural peer review for the phased submission.
N. Additional requirements:
- Nothing in this procedure is intended to limit the authority of the Building Official.
- The building official reserves the right to amend these procedures.
- The structural peer reviewer will perform the review and work with the owner and the licensed professional of record to resolve all issues raised by the review prior to submitting for permit.
- Approval from the peer reviewer does not mean exempt from additional Building Department structural section review.
- The permit applicant is responsible for the entire cost of the structural peer review.
- The use of a structural peer reviewer has no effect on the building permit fees or supplant the inspection process.
- A review fee applies to the review and approval process of the peer reviewer.
- The peer reviewer must not have any involvement in the design of the project.
- The peer reviewer must not have any financial interest in the project other than compensation
for his/her services as a peer reviewer.
- The peer reviewer could be terminated for failing to perform his/her duties specified in these
- Substitution of the peer reviewer must be approved by the building official.
O. Private Providers:
- When plan reviews are performed by a private provider, the engineer of record and the peer review engineer must be working together before the final plan documents are ready for review
by the private provider. The private provider should only be reviewing the latest plans prepared after the peer review comments have been addressed.
- The Peer review report will remain under the purview of the building official or his/her designee.