
Septic to Sewer Conversion Program Status

The GOB septic to sewer conversion is composed of 35 projects, with all anticipated to be complet­ed by 2023. To date, five proj­ects have been completed, with the other 30 in various stages of design and procurement.

In addition to removing the possible introduction of nutrient loading to ground and surface waters by com­promised septic systems, the GOB is a two-pronged economic engine by both keeping Miami-Dade County dollars in the community by creating approximately 5,000 jobs performed by local, small businesses, and also creating increased sewer capacities that will allow businesses to expand, which will generate more tax revenue for the County.

Commercial Corridors

Converting the more than 1,000 properties from septic systems to sewer will result in the transfer of more than 500,000 gallons daily into WASD’s wastewater system representing a significant environmental benefit for the Miami River and the Little River—two tributary waterways that lead to Biscayne Bay.

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