Residential assistance
Four Miami-Dade County certified domestic violence shelters (Safepace Empowerment Center, SafeSpace Central, SafeSpace South and Safespace North) provide temporary emergency shelter, advocacy and support services to victims of domestic violence, their dependents. Two Miami-Dade County transitional housing programs (Inn Transition South and Inn Transition North) provide traditional housing, advocacy and supportive services to victims of domestic violence and their dependents.
Advocates for Victims/Safespace shelters
Provides temporary emergency shelter, advocacy and supportive services to victims of domestic violence and their dependents.
Inn Transition Housing Program
Provides transitional housing opportunity to victims of domestic and their dependents.
Services for both programs include:
- Crisis counseling
- Advocacy and supportive services
- Relocation assistance
- Emergency financial assistance
- Communty referrals
- Transportation
- Food
- And many more
Non-Residential Assistance
Several programs offer assistance and coordinated services with community partners and other agencies.
Coordinated Victims Assistance Center(CVAC)
A Miami-Dade County one-stop, non-residential center for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and human trafficking. The center provides on-site coordinated services in collaboration with community partners, faith-based organizations, universities, nonprofit agencies and other governmental agencies.
Domestic Violence Outreach Units
This court-based program offers injunctions for protection assistance and representation, advocacy and referrals, emergency financial assistance, crisis counseling and other services.