Get clarification on plan review comments, discuss rework fees, or resolve other issues by speaking with a Building, Electrical, Structural, Plumbing, Mechanical, Zoning, Impact Fees, DERM Core, DERM Specialties, Department of Health (HRS), and/or Water and Sewer Plan Review Supervisor. You may create an account and register to speak with an inspector through the
online registration system (MeetQ). Consults will be conducted by phone;
read the instructions to register.
Discuss the following programs: Air Permitting, Asbestos, Coastal Resources, Environmental CORE, Fats, Oils and Grease, Pollution Remediation, Sewer Extensions, Trees and Forest Resources, Water Control, Wetlands.
Design Professional Appointments:
- Building, Electrical, Roofing, Mechanical, Plumbing, Structural, Zoning, Impact Fees and Public Works: requests for appointments can only be made on Friday for the following Monday.
- DERM Core, DERM Specialties and Department of Health (HRS): requests for appointments can only be made on Wednesday for the following day.
- Fire Engineering: requests for appointments can only be made on:
- Monday for the next day; or
- Wednesday for the next day.
Homeowners and Small Business Appointments: If you need permitting assistance schedule an appointment from 7:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Monday to Friday.