Introduction to the Mobility Client > NetMotion Mobility Client Properties Dialog Box Reference > Details Tab

Details Tab

There are no user-configurable settings on this tab.

Review Session Status information (when the Mobility client is disconnected, the status is described as Session not connected):

User authentication only—The client connects after user authentication succeeds. The client does not attempt device authentication.
User required / Device optional—The client attempts device authentication, but proceeds to user authentication if device authentication fails.
Multi-factor—The client connects after both device and user authentication succeed.
Unattended—The client connects after device authentication succeeds, and user authentication follows. When the user logs off from the client device, the connection between the client and server remains.

Review Active Interface information:

Other options in the NetMotion Mobility Client dialog box:

When you click Connect, the Mobility client attempts to connect to the Mobility server specified in the Configuration dialog box. By default, the Mobility client connects to a Mobility server at startup. See Connecting with Mobility for more information.

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